About IADC Therapy
Induced After Death Communication (IADC) Therapy is a derivative of the well-known trauma therapy Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR), and was developed by Chicago-based clinical psychologist Dr Allan Botkin in 1996 during his work with traumatised war veterans.
Specifically, IADC Therapy is a protocol that targets the sadness associated with grief and bereavement.
Dr Botkin altered the traditional EMDR protocol in several specific ways, including targeting the ‘core sadness’ as source of his clients’ distress, and reported that he was able to achieve superior results than standard EMDR. He reported that his very brief protocol (2 x 90-minute sessions) was able to significantly reduce the sadness associated with grief, and in many cases resulted in an ADC.
What is an ADC?After-death communication (ADC) is a very common and natural phenomenon by which a person perceives the presence of a deceased loved one in some way. It is estimated that approximately one-third of people report having experience an ADC at some point in their lives (Streit-Horn, 2011). They are most commonly experienced during sleep but can also be experienced during full waking consciousness. They are usually reported to be helpful and beneficial to the experiencer. ​ IADC Therapy is known to induce ADCs in approximately 70% of clients. Although experiencing an ADC can be very healing, it is not the primary objective of the therapy. The primary objective is to reduce sadness.
What does IADC Therapy involve?IADC Therapy involves an initial brief screening process during which the IADC Therapist will ensure that the therapy is suitable for the client. (IADC therapy is not a good fit for everyone. Your IADC Therapist will be able to help determine if it is a good fit for you). The therapy itself is administered in two separate 90-minute therapy sessions, conducted within one week. We only take on clients for whom a positive outcome is very likely.
What can I expect from IADC Therapy?IADC Therapy requires that the client be willing to feel very strong emotions. By processing the sadness using eye movement (or other types of bilateral stimulation), your sadness may initially increase, but then decreases. By the end of the second session clients regularly report feeling peaceful, calm, and less sad. They often report that memories which were once distressing can be recalled with little or no distress. Previously distressing imagery is sometimes replaced by positive imagery. Some people undergoing this therapy report a sense of reconnection with the deceased, which can include visual, auditory, or tactile sensations. You are likely to feel tired afterwards.
Has IADC Therapy been the subject of serious research?Yes. Professor Jan Holden led a team of researchers in a major study at the University of North Texas. In the first controlled trial of IADC therapy, her team compared two sessions of IADC Therapy with two sessions of traditional grief counselling, and found IADC Therapy to be superior. The study’s results have been published in Grief Matters: The Australian Journal of Grief and Bereavement. A follow-up study, led by Dr Tom Nehmy, has been completed and will soon be sent for peer review and publication in a scientific journal. Once the results have been published in a peer-reviewed journal, they will be shared here. Separate to IADC Therapy, the phenomenon of after death communications has been the subject of peer-reviewed research since the 1970’s and continues today (see the After-Death Communication Research Foundation adcrf.org).
How much does IADC Therapy cost?IADC Therapy costs $200 USD per hour. It is a very brief, time-limited therapy: the treatment usually consists of 2 x 90-minute sessions conducted within 7 days (3 hours = $600 USD total). The 25-minute screening is at no cost. For clients in Australia, we recommend you contact us first to explore the possibility of accessing our service via Medicare (which may allow significant rebates on the consultation fee).
How will I know that my IADC Therapy has worked?As with all psychological interventions, we cannot guarantee the outcome of IADC Therapy. However clinical, anecdotal, and research evidence suggests you may experience one or more of the following: · Your overall daily sadness will be lessened. · You will more frequently recall ‘happy’ memories and the associated positive emotion. · You will be able to recall memories that previously would have elicited distress, but with less distress or possibly even with good feelings of affectionate nostalgia, peace, and love. · Your sense of ‘connection’ with the deceased will be less associated with deep sadness, and more often associated with a sense of peace, calm, and love. · You may experience insights about the deceased, your relationship, and how to find meaning in the loss. · You may experience an ADC – a perceived sense of the presence of the deceased, or a feeling of reconnection – in the form of intense love, or visual, auditory, or kinesthetic phenomena.
Where can I find more information?The Books **NEW RELEASE - out 1st March 2025** Dr Tom Nehmy's new book is called Inspired Life, Beautiful Death: Healing Grief, Overcoming Fear of Death & Living a Spiritual Life. Dr Allan Botkin wrote a book (with Craig Hogan) called Induced After Death Communication: A Miraculous Therapy for Grief and Loss. The Movie IADC Therapy was also the subject of an award-winning documentary feature film called Life with Ghosts by Stephen Berkley.
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