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Research into IADC Therapy

IADC therapy has enormous potential to help grieving people all over the world. It truly harnesses the power of EMDR but in a new way that can have very rapid and lasting effects on sadness. It also predisposes clients to having after death communications, which can provide further healing and a sense of reconnection with the deceased. This is consistent with the ‘continuing bonds’ theory of grief, which suggests it is more healthy and helpful to remain connected in some way to the person who died.

However, until the publication of Dr Allan Botkin’s book, and the subsequent feature film Living with Ghosts by Stephen Berkley, IADC therapy was a very new and obscure approach, not widely known by therapists and researchers.

The first controlled trial of IADC Therapy was conducted by Professor Jan Holden and colleagues at the University of North Texas. It examined IADC Therapy in comparison to traditional grief counselling, with several favourable outcomes for IADC Therapy. This paper is currently ‘in press’ with Grief Matters: The Australian Journal of Grief and Bereavement.

Dr Tom Nehmy, Director of Healing Grief International and Principal Psychologist at is currently conducting a research study for 2023-24 through the School of Psychology at the University of Adelaide. 

Tom says: “The healing potential of IADC Therapy is such that it demands further research attention. I am interested in seeing if we can replicate some of the promising early evidence and bring this important treatment option into the mainstream.”

The study has been granted approved by the University of Adelaide Human Research Ethics Committee, and is open to English-speaking adults in Australia.

** All places in the Adelaide University IADC Therapy study are currently booked out **

Data analysis and manuscript preparation is currently underway.

Results will be announced here in due course.

UPDATE: Our research project has been included in the 2025 APS 'Festival of Psychology' Conference on the Gold Coast, Australia. Program to be released soon.

You may still book in for paid IADC Therapy sessions. Find out if IADC Therapy is right for you by taking our pre-screening questionnaire. If you pass prescreening, you will be provided with the opportunity to book a 25-minute no obligation screening interview, at no cost.

Reference list (selected relevant research papers and books):

Beischel, J. (2019). Spontaneous, facilitated, assisted, and requested after-death communication experiences and their impact on grief. Threshold: Journal of Interdisciplinary Consciousness Studies, 3(1), 1-32.

Botkin, A. (2014). Induced after death communication: A miraculous therapy for grief and loss. Hampton Roads Publishing.

Botkin, A. L. (2000). The induction of after-death communications utilizing eye-movement desensitization and reprocessing: A new discovery. Journal of Near-Death Studies, 18(3), 181-209.

Hannah, M. T., Botkin, A. L., Marrone, J. G., & Streit-Horn, J. (2013). Induced after-death communication: An update. Journal of Near-Death Studies.

Holden, J. M., St-Germain-Sehr, N. R., Reyes, A., Loseu, S., Schmit, M. K., Laird, A., Weintraub, L, St Germain-Sehr, A., Price, E., Blalock, S., Bevly, C., Lankford, C., & Mandalise, J. (In press, 2021). Effect of induced after-death communication on grief. Grief Matters: The Australian Journal of Grief and Bereavement.

Parnell, L. (1996). Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) and spiritual unfolding. Journal of Transpersonal Psychology, 28, 129-154.

St. Germain-Sehr, N. R. & Maxey, G. A. (In press, 2021). Case studies in Induced After-Death Communication (IADC). Grief Matters: The Australian Journal of Grief and Bereavement.

Valdez, C., Jordan, J. R., & Botkin, A. (2021). Induced After-Death Communication. In New Techniques of Grief Therapy (pp. 280-283). Routledge.

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